If turning the calendar page to a new year inspires you to take fresh steps toward improving your wellness, you’re not alone. Most of us have dreams of losing weight, getting more active, and feeling healthier, but sadly, many of our resolutions won’t “stick” without concrete plans to anchor them into our lives and daily habits. For many people, problems with joint and knee pain are a major hindrance to increasing activity levels, which is necessary to overcome a sedentary lifestyle and counter weight gain. Making solid plans for a more vibrant 2022 needs to include taking care of any pain that might be holding you back—which regenerative treatments and non-surgical options can help you reach your goals?

PRP Treatments

Many active athletes and weekend warriors experience small tears or ruptures in the supportive soft tissues of the joints, which can result in tenderness that will bench them on the sidelines. If pain is preventing you from coming back to your favorite activities in the new year, regenerative therapies like PRP can help. Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is a treatment that uses the growth-factor rich platelets in the blood to stimulate the repair process of injured ligaments, tendons, and joints. After a procedure that collects and isolates these important elements, a concentrated injection directly into the damaged areas promotes rapid natural healing, getting you up and out of the armchair and back to the activities that support your wellness goals for 2022.

Regenerative Therapies

Years of wear and tear and complex injuries or conditions can leave some people with excruciating joint pain, and the associated anxiety often leads them to consider surgery as their only option for pain relief. Unfortunately, surgery is costly, painful, requires a long recovery, and in some cases doesn’t improve quality of life. Fortunately, a variety of regenerative therapies like the comprehensive, multi-step GenStem program can provide maximum results. Using highly potent stem cells, the physicians at OrthoGen can precisely target areas of damage to encourage the body’s natural healing processes to rebuild tissues, resulting in faster and safer recovery than with surgical procedures.

Responsible Pain Management

When we experience an acute or chronic injury, there’s a small treatment window that typically ensures a reliable recovery, but many of us try to treat the issue from home and skip seeking timely medical support, which can allow issues like inflammation and mechanical imbalances to set in. Often, injuries resist healing properly because of lingering swelling in the tissues around the site of pain, and interventions like the injection-based knee pain therapies included in the KneeGen 5 treatment protocols can provide pain relief, reduce inflammation, and add the lubrication necessary to realign the joint and support fluid movement, all without the risks associated with opioids.

Leave Knee Pain Behind with OrthoGen Clinics

If you’re motivated to move into the new year with comfort and confidence, the compassionate and professional team at OrthoGen is ready to help. We are dedicated to providing the safest and most effective regenerative and non-surgical treatment alternatives available today, and look forward to partnering with you in planning for a healthier tomorrow. Contact us today to take your first steps into a better 2022!