When it comes to the most important advancements for pain relief, PRP, or platelet rich plasma therapy, is near the top of the list. Known for it’s wide array of benefits, PRP helps bolster the body’s natural healing abilities by encouraging inflammation relief. Making PRP therapy even more remarkable, is it is drawn 100% from your own blood, eliminating any possibility of a negative reaction or side effects. A powerful healing therapy that is 100% natural and 100% safe. Hard to believe but true. So what is PRP, and how does it work to heal your body?

The Point of Pain

Everyone can describe how pain feels—uncomfortable, steady, aching, sharp or stabbing, throbbing, dull—but what may not be as obvious is what pain does. Pain acts as an alarm system to let us know that something may be wrong with the body. Typically, intense, acute pain is short-lived and happens due to an injury; For example, if you twist an ankle, the pain will keep you from walking on it to avoid causing further damage to the tissues. Unfortunately, we don’t always heed the body’s warnings. Instead, taking OTC medications to keep moving when rest is required, or the injury may require some supportive intervention that we don’t provide. Over time, some injuries fail to heal, and the pain process turns into a chronic condition that further delays tissue repair.

What PRP Is

PRP is an injectable therapy that is considered an “orthobiologic” and has been used by physicians for over 30 years to help the body heal injuries more quickly. The main element of the injection, platelet-rich plasma, is naturally found in the body but is applied in higher concentrations to boost the body’s ability to regenerate tissue, ease joint pain and osteoarthritis, help prevent surgeries, and act as an alternative to steroids. 

How PRP Works

PRP works by harnessing and amplifying the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Platelets are structures in the blood rich in growth factors, which are hormone-like protein groups that stimulate the growth of specific tissues. These are isolated, and then a concentrated solution is injected into areas requiring support.

  • PRP soothes inflammation and relieves pain.
  • Growth factors stimulate the repair process of dense tissues like ligaments and tendons in and around joints.
  • These factors also encourage cell division and cell differentiation, boosting adjunct treatments like stem cell therapies and helping the body build the tissues necessary to heal injuries.

What You Can Expect for Treatment

After consulting with your care team, PRP therapy may be scheduled. The entire process is quick and easy, lasting about 45 minutes and with little to no pain or downtime. 

PRP Works By: 

  • A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient. 
  • The blood is placed in a centrifuge to separate the PRP and growth factors.
  • The area of injection is numbed.
  • These valuable healing elements are injected into the damaged area using advanced imaging tech for pinpoint accuracy.
  • Best results may require additional treatments.

Count on OrthoGen for Lasting Relief

Pain conditions can feel consuming, but they don’t have to stop you from living the life you deserve. With the proper support, anything is possible, including a pain-free life! At OrthoGen clinics, we recognize the importance of fast, responsible, and effective pain relief. We provide the support you need to repair injuries and instill healthy movement. If you’re ready for partners dedicated to your success, contact the professionals at OrthoGen to learn more about our PRP program today.

We look forward to hearing from you!